Friday, April 22, 2011

Beyond Talent

Another fantastic book by John Maxwell. In this book (as the title suggests) Maxwell makes the point that talent is only the beginning of success. You can be extremely talented, but end up going nowhere. So what makes the difference between those who succeed and those who don't? Here are a few things that successful people know and practice:

* Belief lifts your talent.
* Initiative activates your talent.
* Focus directs your talent.
* Preparation positions your talent.
* Practice sharpens your talent.
* Perseverance sustains your talent.
* Character protects your talent.

He encourages people to turn raw talent into something more, something bigger. His writing is encouraging, challenging - and if actually implemented, the lessons taught in this book (I believe) could lead to far greater success than you'd imagine.

Disclaimer: I received this book for free from Thomas Nelson Publishers through - their book review bloggers program. I wasn't required to post a positive review. These are my own opinions on this book.

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